Course Content
Dear Participant, Welcome to the "Mastering Tuning Forks for Sound Healing" online course! I am thrilled to have each of you join this transformative journey into the world of sound therapy and vibrational healing. Before we begin, I want to emphasize the importance of preparation. Please ensure you have in hand 2 x OTTO 128Hz C tuning forks with Crystal Footers (for easier application on the body - you can purchase those items from the Online Store) and print the PDF manual provided before starting the course. This manual will serve as a valuable resource throughout our journey together. Additionally, I encourage you to take the time to practice all techniques on yourself before working on others. This not only enhances your understanding of the techniques but also ensures your own well-being as you embark on this learning adventure. Throughout this course, we will explore the intricacies of tuning forks and their profound potential in facilitating healing and balance within the body, mind, and spirit. From understanding the historical origins of tuning forks to mastering practical applications on specific points, this program is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to harness the power of sound for holistic well-being. As we embark on this learning adventure together, I encourage you to approach each lesson with an open mind and a willingness to explore new perspectives. Together, we will delve deep into the art and science of sound healing, discovering the profound impact it can have on our lives and the lives of those we serve. I am excited to embark on this journey with you and look forward to witnessing your growth and transformation throughout this course. Warm regards, Neli Merris
In this section you learn about: Historical origin of tuning fork Understand the manufacturing process and materials used. Types and varieties of tuning fork. Benefits and properties of OTTO 128 C tuning fork
Mastering Weighted Tunning Forks For Vibrational Sound Healing Online Training.
About Lesson

Dear Participant,


Welcome to the “Mastering Tuning Forks for Sound Healing” online course! I am thrilled to have each of you join this transformative journey into the world of sound therapy and vibrational healing.


You can download our program curriculum by clicking “the exercise files ” option on the top. 


Before we begin, I want to emphasize the importance of preparation. Please ensure you have in hand 2 x OTTO 128Hz C tuning forks with Crystal Footers (for easier application on the body – you can purchase those items from the (Online Store) and print the PDF manual (which will be provided in the next lesson) before starting the course. This manual will serve as a valuable resource throughout our journey together.


Additionally, I encourage you to take the time to practice all techniques on yourself before working on others. This not only enhances your understanding of the techniques but also ensures your own well-being as you embark on this learning adventure.


Throughout this course, we will explore the intricacies of tuning forks and their profound potential in facilitating healing and balance within the body, mind, and spirit. From understanding the historical origins of tuning forks to mastering practical applications on specific points, this program is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to harness the power of sound for holistic well-being.


As we embark on this learning adventure together, I encourage you to approach each lesson with an open mind and a willingness to explore new perspectives. Together, we will delve deep into the art and science of sound healing, discovering the profound impact it can have on our lives and the lives of those we serve.


I am excited to embark on this journey with you and look forward to witnessing your growth and transformation throughout this course.


Warm regards,


Neli Merris

Exercise Files
Mastering Tuning Forks Info Pack.pdf
Size: 1.06 MB
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